The thing that I have been doing is sharing mainly my travels and things about photography... So my next goal is to make this thing more realistic and share more about my life. Because in fact, I love writing and creating stories, by words and by photos. My photography maybe would not have started if I didn't have this urge to create and write stories about things that I am experiencing and about the life I live.
It is the source of my passion.
If you follow me on Instagram you maybe have noticed that I love sports, and that half a year ago I fell crazily in love with weight lifting. I'll make a separate blog about that cause more news about that coming! I also love outdoor sports, hiking in beautiful landscapes (especially mountains), climbing in climbing forests, horse riding, swimming in lakes and rivers, etcetera.
Next to that I am doing my thesis for my study Equine Business and Sports. Basically international business and sports focussed on the equestrian industry. A very broad and interesting study which has taught me a lot of different subjects. I focussed my study to marketing, I went on amazing internships in France, at Haras du Coussoul, the most beautiful farm I have ever seen with such great horses and the people are so lovely. That internship definitely became my second home, visiting and working there also after my study and getting the possibility to help little Lusitano babies get born. My next internship was at Europe's no.1 luxury travel agency Voyage Privé which is situated in the beautiful Aix-en-Provence, a great internship which again has taught me a lot and which has given me the opportunity to travel a lot through France and meet new people. Then after that I came back in the Netherlands and I worked as a marketeer for Xpozer, I mainly did the content marketing (blogs)| and the social media for them. Now I am working on my thesis for PharmaHorse, and thus the end of my study, SO EXCITED!
Next to my studies I am photographing, enjoying life with friends, drinking coffee (OFCOURSE haha!), writing my book about travel photography and working on a new project. More about that new project in my next blog!
Sorry for this "boring" blog but just wanted to share it :)
Wait for my fitness/photography blog coming online soon!!